Monday, March 26, 2012

Truth Behind Brazilian Keratin Hair Treatments

“The Future of Keratin”

I’m pretty sure that we’ve all heard of the hype behind the Keratin Hair Treatment procedures that promise smooth, silky, straight and soft hair for an extended period of time. We have seen its results and needless to say they are good based upon appearance alone. On the other hand, we have also read the articles or heard from friends of the benefits and not so beneficial factors of having a procedure like this done. It can get pretty confusing trying to understand such a complex and debate-able subject when you have so many brands and products out there that almost guarantee amazing results. Then there is also the FDA and horrific stories we hear about on the news that place the topic into a totally different ball game. In an attempt to fully understand the pros and cons of a Keratin Procedure, I did some thorough research, spoke to a few stylist and clients who have had the procedure performed and came up with a conclusion…When thinking about getting a treatment like this done, please think again!!

Let’s start from the beginning with a brief understanding of what exactly Keratin is. To put it simply, Keratin is a protein that is naturally found in your hair. It is an active ingredient that is supposed to fill in gaps within the hair’s cuticle that are cracked, dry or damaged. Think of Keratin like food for your hair. Now you may be thinking, “Wow that’s great!”, which in fact it is; when used alone and on its own. On the other hand, Keratin becomes a hazardous ingredient when mixed with Formaldehyde (a carcinogen) and other chemicals just for the sake of straightening the hair. Formaldehyde holds the keratin molecules together which basically relax the hair and keep it that way breaking down the hairs elasticity. It’s at this point that Keratin goes from a healthy food product for your hair to a damaging element that is not only bad for your hair but your health altogether causing headaches, body aches, breathing problems and cancer.

OK, so now we’re talking about risking our health just to have some straight and shiny hair. Believe it or not, even after being informed of the dangers, many women still use and live by Keratin procedures.  Brand or names do not matter as these vary from Brazilian Blow out to Coppola to Keratin Plus, etc etc. At the end of the day all of these products are the same as they all have exceedingly high volumes of Formaldehyde making them beyond toxic.

Are there any alternatives to Keratin Treatments? Can Formaldehyde free ones be found? Absolutely but it’s going to take some searching and “acceptance” of some sort. Here’s the thing, the reason that Keratin treatments have been successful in smoothing out curls and frizz is because of the high levels of Formaldehyde; the higher the consistency, the smoother and straighter the hair will be. Formaldehyde free Keratin treatments will still condition and treat the hair but not with such a strong finish. It will have a milder affect on your locks keeping the elasticity of your hair in its truer form thus helping you reap the benefits of Keratin as a whole later on.

So what are the alternative options you may ask? One that seems to be a hit and fairly new straight from Brazil hitting the states mid last year is the “Cysteine Hair Treatment.”

Cysteine is an Amino Acid found within our hair bonds. It is the element that makes and defines the elasticity of our hair. In addition, it is also the same element that is found in virgin hair that is lost after a chemical service or color process. It is stated that by infusing your hair with this natural amino acid, you are simply strengthening the bonds your hair already has by filling in the missing gaps that lack such an element. It’s those missing gaps that cause frizzi-ness, static and unmanageable hair. When you fill in the gaps and rehydrate your hair with Cysteine, you are basically bringing it back to the basics. The way the actual product works is by counter acting the element of Cysteine. Being that your hair already produces and has this amino acid, once you fill your hair with it again, you are counter acting the elasticity makeup of the hair strand, thus resulting  in a sleeker straighter hair texture appearance and feel. Overall Cysteine Brazilian Hair Treatment is more of a deep intensive conditioning treatment as opposed to a hair straightening system. However, the results from a Cysteine Hair Treatment are similar to that of a Keratin procedure just in a milder form with no hazardous chemicals that will compromise your health. So there you have it. If you’re considering a Keratin Treatment, please do your research and make sure that you willing to chance the risks for some straight hair. If you ask me, I think natural is the best way to go, but HEALTHY definitely takes the cake in my book...

(Please note that photos are not my own are courtesy of &

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