Friday, April 20, 2012
The Truth About Cutting Your Hair...
Long hair, don’t care...Have a serious fear of cutting your hair because you’re worried it won’t grow back? The notion of hair trimming/ cutting is so misconstrued with many of us thinking and believing that the only way to long healthy hair is by avoiding the scissors. Well darlings, I hate to inform you but you’re all so very wrong. Though I am not encouraging all of you to run out and chop off your locks, but what I will tell you is that a little hair trim every 12 weeks (3 months) where you snip off ¼ of an inch, ½ an inch or maybe an inch itself is by far the best treatment and growth remedy you can give your hair. Split ends, dry locks and stagnant hair growth periods can be such a nightmare where you find that your hair fails to cooperate in any way, shape or form. Infusing your locks with hair treatments can and will only do so much in terms of revitalization and getting your hair back to healthy standards. In addition, split ends that are ignored and left to “hang around” will only have a feast with your hair and ruin your strands altogether. Picture your hair strand like a twizzler stick. Loose twizzler ends ride all the way up and eventually separate into multiple strands; the same can be said of your hair. When your ends are split the only direction they go is up; up the hair shaft all the way to the root damaging, breaking and splitting everything in its path. Now take a wild guess as to the quickest and best way to remove those spilt ends? Yup, you guessed right; cutting those little bad boys off and giving your hair some breathing room. Though I’m sure that we have all had our share of bad haircuts, trimming barely a ¼ of an inch every 13 weeks will do more good than harm…It will give your hair a chance to breathe and revitalize while enjoying to be yours…Want your to hair to grow? Then feed it right…Food for your hair…More like food for thought…
(Please note that photo is not my own and is courtesy of
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Best Skin Care Regimens For Men
Ladies, move over and make some room as today’s post is all about the species we love to hate; that’s right, it’s all about the MEN today! Why must everrrrythinnngggg be about us greedy and spoiled gals, when our men deserve a little attention too! That doesn't mean that you ladies shouldn't read this as you should..just pass the info along to that man in your life...With that said, I’ll jump right into it. Guys, now I’m not going to bore you with some fluffy skin care tips and tricks but what I will do is give it to you straight! Here’s the thing, we all know that you men love to spoil, splurge and take care of yourselves as much as we do but for some reason, you all seem to neglect or forget a very important element in your “looking good to impress chicks” mission; your sexy masculine faces! Yes I said it! Though a healthy, strong and manly physique is important in attracting gorgeous women by your side, nothing screams “I am man hear me roar” more than an acne free, clean shaven, no razor burn, soft face.
Now I get that men as a whole spend less time in front of the mirror and more time outdoors either at work, the gym, or engaging in some grueling sport/ activity, but it is a must that you take care of your skin. A simple daily skin care regimen that consists of 3 items is it all it takes to keep your skin looking healthy. These 3 items are a cleanser, exfoliater and a moisturizer. Men please do not opt for a regular bar of soap when washing your face. Cleansing your skin and removing dirt and oil found in your pores is super important as men generally have larger pores than women do. Opt for a mild gel cleanser, lather for 3 minutes, and rinse with cool water and your all set. When you feel a breakout forming, simply exfoliate your skin to remove dead cells caused by sweat and everyday activities. Lastly always remember to moisturize! You want to keep your skin hydrated and soft to the touch.
As a man, shaving is a must. I’m pretty sure you all know how to shave so I won’t get into that. What I will tell you is that using a decent shaving crème that is not of foam consistency will make a huge difference if you’re the guy with sensitive skin that suffers from razor bumps. Instead of opting for the cheap drug store foam shaving crème, have your girlfriend pick you up some of that expensive stuff they sell at Sephora next time she makes a trip for herself. And if you’re single, you know you can always count on mom! Go for shaving crème’s with healing properties in them that will soothe the skin while shaving as each time you pass that razor across your face, the blades remove the top layer of your skin along with your facial hairs. If you use an electric razor, apply a pre-shave lotion to moisten your whiskers and help the shaver glide across your skin. Lastly always remember to rinse with COLD water as it helps to tighten the skin and close the pores. Rinsing with warm water will create ingrown hairs and make your razor bumps appear more visible. Lastly, if you don’t mind smelling like peanuts for a few days, peanut butter is an excellent opt to shaving crème as all its natural elements make it perfect for smooth shave.

Now before I end this off, I figured I would recommend some products to you in order to help make this skin care regimen project a bit easier. I know from experience, that you men work better when research is done for you where you are simply told what to purchase, so here it is…If you suffer from acne; mild or severe “Murad skin care system” is definitely the way to go. I would recommend Pro-activ but I find that once you stop using the product, breakouts reappear and are fairly worse. For a great after shave lotion, my boyfriend loves and lives by “Chanel Bleu” as it smells amazing, leaves the skin soft and seems to prevent razor burn since he never has any! If you’re looking for an everyday men’s skin care line “Khiel’s for men” is the way to go. And lastly, if you want a nice shave crème/ kit try “The Art of Shaving.” All of the above items can be found at Macy’s, Sephora, or Bloomingdales and are priced lower than your next pair of nikes! How’s that for taking care of our men ladies!
(Please note that photos are not my own and are courtesy of, and
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Kim Kardashian Cheek Bones
"A little shimmer, a little there and lots and lots of SPARKLE!"
Ooooo La La, our favorite season is just around the corner. Though it may be playing peek a boo making its presence known and than dashing away in a glimpse, Summer is well on its way darlings. Short skirts, tanned legs, wavy hair and bronzey cheek bones! We all know that "bronzer" is a must in order to achieve and maintain that sexy beach look, so why not try this great tip that'll even make Kim K. jealous!!
For that chiseled cheek bone look, you'll need 2 products; a highlighter and bronzer. I prefer to use both in a pressed powder form as it makes the application process much easier. Opt for a "multi color" plaette for each as combining different shades will even out skin tone and create a perfect bronze hue. Make a fish face and apply the bronzer in the hollows of your cheeks (this is the area right below your cheek bone). Now smile and brush the highlighter from the apples of cheeks to your temples bam there you have it! The contrasting tones will even replace the need of blush and help to define and shape your cheekbones.
Love the face your in and shine those looks your way with gorgeous bronzey cheeks!
Product ranges about $38 to $40 in price.
(Please note that photo is not my own and is from
Monday, March 26, 2012
Truth Behind Brazilian Keratin Hair Treatments
“The Future of Keratin”
I’m pretty sure that we’ve all heard of the hype behind the Keratin Hair Treatment procedures that promise smooth, silky, straight and soft hair for an extended period of time. We have seen its results and needless to say they are good based upon appearance alone. On the other hand, we have also read the articles or heard from friends of the benefits and not so beneficial factors of having a procedure like this done. It can get pretty confusing trying to understand such a complex and debate-able subject when you have so many brands and products out there that almost guarantee amazing results. Then there is also the FDA and horrific stories we hear about on the news that place the topic into a totally different ball game. In an attempt to fully understand the pros and cons of a Keratin Procedure, I did some thorough research, spoke to a few stylist and clients who have had the procedure performed and came up with a conclusion…When thinking about getting a treatment like this done, please think again!!
Let’s start from the beginning with a brief understanding of what exactly Keratin is. To put it simply, Keratin is a protein that is naturally found in your hair. It is an active ingredient that is supposed to fill in gaps within the hair’s cuticle that are cracked, dry or damaged. Think of Keratin like food for your hair. Now you may be thinking, “Wow that’s great!”, which in fact it is; when used alone and on its own. On the other hand, Keratin becomes a hazardous ingredient when mixed with Formaldehyde (a carcinogen) and other chemicals just for the sake of straightening the hair. Formaldehyde holds the keratin molecules together which basically relax the hair and keep it that way breaking down the hairs elasticity. It’s at this point that Keratin goes from a healthy food product for your hair to a damaging element that is not only bad for your hair but your health altogether causing headaches, body aches, breathing problems and cancer.
OK, so now we’re talking about risking our health just to have some straight and shiny hair. Believe it or not, even after being informed of the dangers, many women still use and live by Keratin procedures. Brand or names do not matter as these vary from Brazilian Blow out to Coppola to Keratin Plus, etc etc. At the end of the day all of these products are the same as they all have exceedingly high volumes of Formaldehyde making them beyond toxic.
Are there any alternatives to Keratin Treatments? Can Formaldehyde free ones be found? Absolutely but it’s going to take some searching and “acceptance” of some sort. Here’s the thing, the reason that Keratin treatments have been successful in smoothing out curls and frizz is because of the high levels of Formaldehyde; the higher the consistency, the smoother and straighter the hair will be. Formaldehyde free Keratin treatments will still condition and treat the hair but not with such a strong finish. It will have a milder affect on your locks keeping the elasticity of your hair in its truer form thus helping you reap the benefits of Keratin as a whole later on.
So what are the alternative options you may ask? One that seems to be a hit and fairly new straight from Brazil hitting the states mid last year is the “Cysteine Hair Treatment.”
Cysteine is an Amino Acid found within our hair bonds. It is the element that makes and defines the elasticity of our hair. In addition, it is also the same element that is found in virgin hair that is lost after a chemical service or color process. It is stated that by infusing your hair with this natural amino acid, you are simply strengthening the bonds your hair already has by filling in the missing gaps that lack such an element. It’s those missing gaps that cause frizzi-ness, static and unmanageable hair. When you fill in the gaps and rehydrate your hair with Cysteine, you are basically bringing it back to the basics. The way the actual product works is by counter acting the element of Cysteine. Being that your hair already produces and has this amino acid, once you fill your hair with it again, you are counter acting the elasticity makeup of the hair strand, thus resulting in a sleeker straighter hair texture appearance and feel. Overall Cysteine Brazilian Hair Treatment is more of a deep intensive conditioning treatment as opposed to a hair straightening system. However, the results from a Cysteine Hair Treatment are similar to that of a Keratin procedure just in a milder form with no hazardous chemicals that will compromise your health. So there you have it. If you’re considering a Keratin Treatment, please do your research and make sure that you willing to chance the risks for some straight hair. If you ask me, I think natural is the best way to go, but HEALTHY definitely takes the cake in my book...
(Please note that photos are not my own are courtesy of &
I’m pretty sure that we’ve all heard of the hype behind the Keratin Hair Treatment procedures that promise smooth, silky, straight and soft hair for an extended period of time. We have seen its results and needless to say they are good based upon appearance alone. On the other hand, we have also read the articles or heard from friends of the benefits and not so beneficial factors of having a procedure like this done. It can get pretty confusing trying to understand such a complex and debate-able subject when you have so many brands and products out there that almost guarantee amazing results. Then there is also the FDA and horrific stories we hear about on the news that place the topic into a totally different ball game. In an attempt to fully understand the pros and cons of a Keratin Procedure, I did some thorough research, spoke to a few stylist and clients who have had the procedure performed and came up with a conclusion…When thinking about getting a treatment like this done, please think again!!

OK, so now we’re talking about risking our health just to have some straight and shiny hair. Believe it or not, even after being informed of the dangers, many women still use and live by Keratin procedures. Brand or names do not matter as these vary from Brazilian Blow out to Coppola to Keratin Plus, etc etc. At the end of the day all of these products are the same as they all have exceedingly high volumes of Formaldehyde making them beyond toxic.
Are there any alternatives to Keratin Treatments? Can Formaldehyde free ones be found? Absolutely but it’s going to take some searching and “acceptance” of some sort. Here’s the thing, the reason that Keratin treatments have been successful in smoothing out curls and frizz is because of the high levels of Formaldehyde; the higher the consistency, the smoother and straighter the hair will be. Formaldehyde free Keratin treatments will still condition and treat the hair but not with such a strong finish. It will have a milder affect on your locks keeping the elasticity of your hair in its truer form thus helping you reap the benefits of Keratin as a whole later on.
So what are the alternative options you may ask? One that seems to be a hit and fairly new straight from Brazil hitting the states mid last year is the “Cysteine Hair Treatment.”

(Please note that photos are not my own are courtesy of &
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Perfect Foundation Powder

As a special treat, Mally’s Makeup line and products can be
purchased through for a discounted price. This particular powder with
sponge and brush included runs for about $42.00. Enjoy!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Best Color Conserve Shampoo for Highlights
Hey Guys! So, this is a re-post of a tip that I put up on my Facebook fan page yesterday at Get Nellafyd and I wanted to re-post it here as it attracted a lot of buzz and raised many questions. Not to mention that its something super important and should be acknowledged if maintaining gorgeous locks are a priority of yours. Here it is anD enjoy...
"A little shimmer here, a little shimmer there..."
If it’s one thing that I absolutely cannot stand to see it’s brassy, orange, over processed and faded looking highlights. No matter if your platinum blonde, gold toned liked the sun or copper like a penny, it is beyond important that you conserve those highlighted locks by keeping them true to their color. So many of us like to blame our “cheap” looking highlights on stylist, shampoos, conditioners, products and too much heat, but truth be told, these factors only play a small role in color conservation gone bad. It’s what you’re NOT doing that’s causing your color to fade. By the way, YES I did say “cheap” looking highlights because that’s the best way to describe it. Want expensive looking color that’s sure to last, than follow a beauty routine that won’t fail you.
Bottom line is this; unless you have virgin hair that’s never been dyed, you are free to use whatever products, shampoos, conditioners that you like. BUT, once your hair has been processed you can kiss those carefree days good bye because like anything else that’s foreign and new to your body, it must be maintained and up-kept in order to continue looking good. For that reason alone, I use a color conserving/ depositing shampoo that keep my highlights looking as fresh as the day I left the salon.

For all my blondes out there, whether highlights or single processed I strongly recommend using “Shimmer Lights” Shampoo and Conditioners at least once a week. Use straight out of the bottle or for a more subtle look, just mix with you regular shampoo of choice. Shimmer Lights products have toning properties in them that help to cancel out any brassiness or faded tones by depositing a toner while you wash and conditioner your hair. Now don’t freak out and think your re-dying your own hair. The toners in these products are very mild, light and nothing like the ones you may experience at the salon. Furthermore, they smell great and are a pure purple color. So, once you’re showering, lathering up and rinsing, don’t panic if you see that your shower water has turned purple! Shimmer lights also works wonders for up keeping natural grey hair color, honey tones, caramel hues and sometimes even light brown shades. For the rest of my dolls that dye their hair, I recommend just using any shampoo that aims at preserving color. I love “Aveda’s Color Conserve” line…
**Please note that pictures are of my own personal clients. For more pictures on hair coloring services, please check out my fan page at Get Nellafyd. Or if your interested in a service per say and live in the NYC metro area please feel free to contact me via my website at
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
A Little St. Patty's Day Fun…
Show off the fashionista in you as well as your spirit with this awesome color by "Brucci Nails" called "Gianna's Rockin' Blue." A green combined with turquoise is all the season's latest trend as bold pastels meet a splash of neon colors and hues will be everywhere this spring. Add a cute nail decal to accent your style and your good to go! If you’re in a rush and don't have time to wait for your nails to dry, I live by and recommend "Sally Hansen's Inst-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color" in Clear…
Make a statement this season and let these fashion guru's know you’re ready for spring…
*Please note that nail decals are from *Kiss Nails. A basecoat was applied prior to nail color. No preference on basecoats as any will due.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Birchbox Definitely Something To Try..
Birchbox where have you been my whole life? So I finally signed up for this amazing box of treats and goodies, just received my first shipment in the mail and I was beyond excited not only about my awesome picks but also to share with all of you lovies!
For starters, before I go into detail about my first Birchbox experience, let me first explain to those of you who have never heard of Birchbox, what exactly Birchbox is. Birchbox is a monthly subscription service that delivers luxury beauty product samples to users on a monthly basis for a low fee of $10.00 a month.
In an attempt to change the way women discover beauty products online, founder Katia Beauchamp discovered a new innovative and cheap way to provide fashion forward women with beauty samples that enables them to try just about everything on the market with a fun twist...Ready for this? Every month you receive a hand picked box with 4 to 5 beauty samples from luxury brands. Each month will include a different mix that is a surprise to you of product types including makeup, skincare, fragrance, body and hair care. All samples are generously sized, with enough product to allow you to figure out if they're right for you! AND, it only costs you 10 dollars! How's that for a deal and being up to date with the latest beauty trends and must haves?! Its like a little surprise christmas treat to yourself every month.
Upon receiving my first shipment yesterday, let me first mention how pleased I was with the packaging of the products. Not only were they secure and intact but also very nicely wrapped but an adorable ribbon and tissue paper. The box is decently sized and made of great quality which makes for easy makeup/ product storage. In addition, inclusive within the package is a postcard with detailed info on the products selected for you as well as the current months hot new trends.
I actually received 7 products with my shipment, 2 of which are missing from the pictures below as I quickly used them prior to taking a picture. (They were 2 Kusami Tea detox green tea bags that were absolutely delightful). As you can also see from the pictures, I was sent an Ahava Moisturizer, Boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens, Oscar Blandi Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner and Talika Lipocils Expert Lash Serum. After reading about the products, I quickly played with each and tested them and I have to say I was pleased with EVERYTHING. There was nothing that I felt like I couldn't use or share with someone. In addition, the products were more than a generous size; they were a great size that leaves you with quite a few usages.
Overall, my first Birchbox shipment and experience was amazing and left me in anticipation waiting for the next. Products were great, website is very user friendly and loaded with all sorts of info as well as an e-commerce store, and the price is beyond affordable (cheaper than your weekly Metro-Card or gym membership)!! Sometimes your curious to try something without spending the full price on it. Well now you can at a price that anyone can afford. For those of you interested in signing up, you can do so at
Friday, March 9, 2012
Perfect At Home Mani
Snag this super cute mani look at a price you can afford over and over again. Learning how to do your own nails will not only save you money in the long run, but also helps to build up a nice supply kit as well. With all of the cute nail accessories, colors and styles out now, having the perfect eye catching manicure is not only cheap but incredibly EASY to achieve. Cant polish your own nails because you have two left hands? No worries honey, Sally Hansen, Kiss Nails and just about all other major nail brands now carry "nail strips" that require absolutely no nail polish painting. Simply peel, apply and go!
Today's mani look was achieved by incorporating both nail methods mentioned above..Polishing my nails while using a really cool design on my ringer fingers. (Design by Kiss Nails).
When polishing your nails remember to file, cut nail if needed, push back cuticles and moisturize your hands by applying a bit of lotion. Make sure your hands are clean and that your nails do not have any rough edges. When applying nail polish, its always best to apply a base coat, 2 color coats and a clear top coat. If your applying a nail strip, I would recommend applying this first before actually painting your nails as you can avoid any smudging.
In this case, I used Sally Hansen's "Salon Complete Manicure" addition in color "Commander in Chic." Colors appear very sheer and runny upon the first coat application, however no need to worry as the second coat really fills in the color leaving a rich completed look. Whats also really cool about this particular nail color addition is that it cuts your main steps from 3 to 1 by incorporating a base, color and top coat in one little bottle. (That could possibly explain the runny texture of the polish). I followed through with a clear coat of Sally Hansen's "Quick Dry Polish"and vowa-la...Salon ready nails!!
When polishing your nails remember to file, cut nail if needed, push back cuticles and moisturize your hands by applying a bit of lotion. Make sure your hands are clean and that your nails do not have any rough edges. When applying nail polish, its always best to apply a base coat, 2 color coats and a clear top coat. If your applying a nail strip, I would recommend applying this first before actually painting your nails as you can avoid any smudging.
In this case, I used Sally Hansen's "Salon Complete Manicure" addition in color "Commander in Chic." Colors appear very sheer and runny upon the first coat application, however no need to worry as the second coat really fills in the color leaving a rich completed look. Whats also really cool about this particular nail color addition is that it cuts your main steps from 3 to 1 by incorporating a base, color and top coat in one little bottle. (That could possibly explain the runny texture of the polish). I followed through with a clear coat of Sally Hansen's "Quick Dry Polish"and vowa-la...Salon ready nails!!
Clean Makeup Brushes Equals Happy Skin
Wonderful, you can do makeup..even better that you can do it with super duper expensive brushes that you treasure beyond belief..hmm, question? How much do you really treasure them and when was the last time those things got a good washing? I mean a real washing? Not just a spritz of brush cleaner here and there, but a good old fashioned water washing? Been some time huh? Well did you know that makeup brushes with buildup makeup on them are at the top of the list for causing bacteria, clogged pores and scratched/ stretched skin?
Old makeup on your brushes that has been left to sit there and collect contains all sorts of things on it from oil, residue, dirt, and even pollution that your face carries throughout the day... In addition, the longer that we let old makeup pile up on our brushes, the stiffer the bristles of the brush become. Therefore, every time you put that brush to your face, you are doing nothing more than scratching the surface of your skin; even if it is lightly. Those scratching motions over time result in loose droopy skin. Scary huh? Well why not break the cycle and save yourself some tears later on in life by whipping out some baby shampoo and water and cleaning your treasured tools. Its simple….
If baby shampoo is soft enough for a baby without irritating that tender and pure skin, then it’s perfect for your brushes as well. Baby shampoo is free of all sorts of surfactants, particles and scents that make it a perfect cleaning agent for your brushes.
Simply wet your brushes by running them under warm water for a few seconds..Pump some baby shampoo in the middle of your palm. Work on your brushes one at a time by lightly turning them in soft circular motions in the shampoo. Doing this will help the brushes to soak up the shampoo where you will instantly start to see buildup makeup color running and cleaning itself off the brush. Every few seconds run the brush under warm water again and repeat the process until the brush is completely sud free and not running color. After wards, rinse each brush under cooler water and lay out some paper tools. Let dry over night. Repeat this process once a week for preserving your bushes as new. Whole process takes no more than 15 minutes depending on how many brushes you have.
Told ya it was simple..
(Please note that pictures are originals taken by me and brushes
belong to me as well. However photo of model behind brushes,
belong to me as well. However photo of model behind brushes,
background belongs to Glamour Magazine April 2012 issue.)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Skin Care Routine- Beautiful Skin For Beautiful Makeup
Hey guys! How exciting, that my blog is finally up and
running. On that note, here I am
brainstorming on the perfect starter blog for you all, and I thought what
better way than to begin with a skin care routine. After googling and youtubing
hundreds of videos and pictures on makeup trends, techniques and styles, I
noticed that all of these publications had something in common; they were also
missing a detailed explanation on how to take care of and maintain healthy skin
in order to achieve beautiful makeup.
Look, what it comes down to is this…I don’t care how good
you are at applying makeup, blending out foundation and creating the perfect
smokey eye..if your skin is in trouble and suffering from breakouts, dryness,
wrinkles and enlarged pores, your makeup will only look mediocre and caked on. Don’t
let a retouched photo, edited video and dim lighting fool you into thinking that
what you are seeing on your computer screen is perfect makeup. Perfect makeup
begins with healthy skin; I won’t even say perfect skin because such a thing
does not exist. So long as your skin is healthy, hydrated and most importantly
of all; CLEAN, you are sure to have a beautiful canvas to show off your amazing
techniques. You cannot believe how many videos I have seen on youtube with millions
of viewers and when it comes down to skin care regimens, majority of these
women posting such videos and tutorials each admit to not washing their face
before going to bed, skipping toners and eye moisturizers. REALLY??? Yes,
shocker but it’s true.
Now I’m not here to tell you that you have to go out and
spend a ton of money on a whole bunch of beauty products. What I will tell you
is that keeping it simple, basic and fresh will save you a ton of money later
on life when gravity starts to take its toll and our skin loses collagen, our
fine lines turn into wrinkles and our clogged pores have permanently scarred
our faces due to acne breakouts. With
that said, I am going to share my skin care routine with you and how I get my
face makeup ready…(btw, I use Mario Badescu products which I am completely
obsessed with..I have cystic acne and this is about the only thing that calms
down my skin, prevents future breakouts and leaves my face feeling baby soft
without over drying. For more information on products, please check out my blog
entitled “Mario Baedscu, the man behind gorgeous skin” or feel free to visit
his website at
He has a range of products for every skin type and condition)
1. First things first…ALWAYS make sure your face is
clean. If you wear makeup on a daily basis like I do, I recommend cleansing
your face with a makeup remover first. Makeup removers come in all forms. I’m
not a big fan of makeup wipes as I find they tend to burn when wiping makeup
off the face, but if you have no problem with them, please by all means feel
free to try them. I prefer foam cleansers or creme cleansers from Neutrogena and
Aveeno. They are gentle on the skin and really remove all makeup off the face. It’s
after your makeup has been removed that you should cleanse your face with a
proper cleanser for your skin type. If you suffer from acne, I recommend a
cleanser with Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. If you have dry skin, try a
cleanser with soothing properties like Calming Fever Few. Never scrub your face
and apply too much pressure. When cleansing your skin, your finger tips should
be barely touching your face. I use Mario Badescu’s Acne Facial Cleanser.
2. After cleansing, use a toner. Toners are
wonderful products to have as their main purpose serves to even out skin tone
and remove any additional buildup within your pores that cleansers may
sometimes fail to pickup on. I recommend Murad’s Clarifying Toner as it
contains Witch Hazel, Vitamin E and Grape Seed Extract to remove oils from the
skin while protecting and soothing the skin at the same time.
3. Apply any acne treatments, wrinkle crème’s or and
specialty lotions directly after toning your face. Doing this will help seal in all products
into your skin thus getting the full benefit of your lotions. It’s at this
point in my routine that I apply my acne on the spot treatments and crème’s. I
happen to use a few from Mario Badescu. I don’t really have a specific order
that I use them in. It usually all depends on how bad my breaks may be as some
products are stronger than others. But for the most part, I use the Anti Acne
Serum, Drying Creme, Healing Creme, Buffering lotion and the Hyaluronic Eye
Cream (day time only).
4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!! Number one
and most important element in any skin care routine next to washing your face
is moisturizing your skin. Doing so will prevent dehydration, dryness, and sun damage. In addition, it also helps to seal in all of the products from our
previous steps and set a nice canvas for your makeup. I recommend using a moisturizer
that targets your specific needs such as too much dryness, or too much oiliness.
I personally use the Control Cream or Hyaluronic Day Cream in the morning. In
the evening I use Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream.
The end!!! I know it may sound like a lot, but trust me it’s
not. Just follow the simple 4 steps listed and not only will your skin thank
you but no one will ever guess your age! I’m 28 years and am constantly told “oh
wow, you look like your 23, 24 tops”..
If you have any further questions please
feel free to send me a message or comment at or
email me at the link enclosed within my blog page. For more beauty tips and tricks check out my
facebook fan page..
See you soon darlings!(Please note that pictures are not originals from me and have been taken from and belong to,, & Kiehl' and are used solely for the purpose of displaying a product picture in this blog.)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Guess Whose Blogging!- Welcome to the Glamour Bar!
Cant wait to start blogging and sharing all of my tips and tricks with all of you! Its been long awaited but tonight I'll be uploading and recording new video's, photos and lots of other goodies! Stay tuned!
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